
地点 健康诊所
服务时间 星期一至星期四 : 早上八时至下午一时, 下午二时至五时
星期五及星期日 : 早上八时至下午一时
星期六 : 休息
电话 +604 222 7779
+604 222 7732
电子邮件 wellness@pah.com.my

The first phase of healing toward a healthy lifestyle starts with health screening. Adventist Lifestyle Centre offers a wide range of tests which includes lab tests for blood, urine, and stool, ultrasound & X-ray imaging, 3D mammogram, helicobacter pylori test, cancer marker, and more.

Lifestyle and stress or family history can have an impact that is harmful to your health. Hence, we would advise you to have an early detection check by doing a regular Check-Up/ Check-up.

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